
Amusement Arcades at VDNKh’s 80th Anniversary


This summer we were invited to design the children’s section of VDNKh 80th anniversary program. This was not coincidental as we also produced a similar program for VDNKh’s 75th anniversary. We know and love this space and its fantastic creative potential, so we were excited to make our contribution to this year’s celebrations.
What we attempted to do was look at this place through the eyes of a child and use simple language to convey complex ideas. The space possesses unique historical and architectural heritage, and we made sure to reflect it in our creative installations and the amusement arcade. The area was divided into three parts, namely, Pavilions Lost, Nature, and Arts&Crafts, thus turning it into a space of continuous games equally fun for people of all ages.
It is our hope that our little guests will the best memories of the event and that one day they bring the children of their own to this fantastic place.